The new American triage
Triage (TREE-AHZH) is a French word created on the battlefields of World War I to describe a procedure for the sorting and allocating of medical treatment on the basis of where funds and resources can best be used, and whose life should receive precedence.
Isn't that exactly what the President proposed for Obamacare, when he said that perhaps some terminal, mostly old, patients might be best treated solely with pain killers instead of expensive surgery, because they're practically dead anyway? I know he didn't say those last three words, but that was the implication.
My question to this new socialist government and its eugenicists is, when did I give you the power of life and death over me? I'll bet you've forgotten my inalienable rights, the first one being Life. Actually you seem to be a little fuzzy on the concept of Liberty, too, and your idea of Happiness involves my sitting on my ass and letting you give me what you want me to have. Oh, and then, I'm supposed to be grateful and re-elect you to your cushy jobs.
Ain't gonna happen.
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