Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, May 18, 2012

A dying dream

When I came to California almost 50 years ago, it was acknowledged to be the best, most affluent state in the Union.  However, after the governorship of Ronald Reagan, degenerative liberal thought began creeping in, and today, the school system has sunk to something like 49th, and the accumulated debt is destroying all the institutions that used to make us great.

The Democrats have us in a death grip, and under the new redistricting, it appears that won't change.  My recently received sample ballot reveals that I now live in a new Congressional district.  Fortunately, one of two strong conservatives will be elected, but similar districts are few and far between.  The Democrats want to cut funding to schools, police, fire protection and other vital services  in favor of welfare and those "entitlements" that destroy the human spirit and encourage sloth and irresponsibility.

It's going to get worse; I  may even die before it gets better. Perhaps I should have stayed in Indiana.  .  .  .


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