Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Personal Responsibility and Freedom

I have been deleted for using the name of the Party Out of Power (POOP). These are the people who will say and/or do anything to return to power. They can't accept that the majority of the people of the U. S. reject their program. Consequently, in their frustration, POOP is trying to politicize everything, even those things which are apolitical. Two such issues which should be outside the purview of government are abortion and marriage, but the POOP keeps milking them for their perceived political benefit. The POOP also seems to want to continue to strip the poor of all self-respect and make them dependent on the government so they will vote "POOP" to keep their entitlements.
In an earlier post, I said I didn't want to be controversial. So far, I haven't been, unless someone has something other than rhetoric to refute what American freedom gives me the right to say.


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