The new crown prince of the nation of The Holier-Than-Thou is Jim Beall, liberal Democrat from San Jose, who wants to amend the California constitution to tax beer an additional $.30 per can. Liberals just can't stop looking for someone new to punish, because, apparently, attacking smokers, automobile manufacturers, oil companies, and rich people doesn't give them enough gratification.
Watch out! One of YOUR pleasures and/or addictions will be in for it next. You evil coffee drinkers -- they're looking at you. What a cash cow you'll be.
What else do we spend millions on? Oh, yes, pet food and accessories. Let's tax them to oblivion, and to hell with Rover. After all, we wouldn't want lazy, able-bodied welfare recipients to have to work or pay full rent.
How about legalizing prostitution and marijuana. and subjecting them to liberal taxation, so that we can provide the illegal aliens with the finest health care, education, and legal representation?
Oh, and don't forget the carne asada and churritos in prison.
Now, if the liberals could only find a way to tax the air we breathe, think of the power they'd have over us. Oh, wait, they have. With their global warming nonsense, they have caused an increase in the cost of power, clean air, gasoline and food. Thank you, Jim Beall and your ilk.
Happy 102nd, Mom, wherever you are.
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