Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, March 28, 2008


For two years, I have been sending emails almost daily to TV. They put them on screen and read them aloud (for the illiterate?). In the beginning, mine were used regularly, because there were few entries. As time went on, and more people began to participate, my well-crafted two or three sentence bites came less frequently. Now, it has been a week since my last one, the longest drought ever.

Most other entries are pedantic: "I love this; I hate that." Mine are always intended to be instructive and/or thought provoking. Here are some of the gems that languish on the control room floor:

If you believe there will be no money in Social Security when you retire, why are you paying into it? Who's in charge of the government, the politicians or you? Do something, don't just grin and bear it.

(As seen today) Think of all the money we could save if we didn't have to provide medical care for illegal aliens, and have to arrest, try, and feed them in prison. Close the borders.

Instead of trying to punish the oil companies, why don't we buy some of their stock and, if we want, contribute the dividends to the schools? After all, the schools are our responsibility, and are funded by our county taxes, not by class envy.

I am constantly amused by people who do things of which they are ashamed, and live in fear that someone will find out. I guess I'm lucky that I've led such a dull life that the government isn't interested in investigating me.

To best improve the economy, the next president must pledge not to raise taxes, control the borders to exclude criminal aliens, drill for oil to reduce our dependence on foreign sources, insist that able-bodied welfare recipients work instead, and destroy the terrorists' will to fight by winning the war.


At 4:55 PM, Blogger Law and Order Teacher said...

Sounds like McCain. I am amazed that people are so mesmirized by Obama and his BS. See you at my site.


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