Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, March 21, 2008

What did he say?

In Amman, Jordan, Martha Raddatz, of the drive-by ABC News, said, "[Polls suggest that] two thirds of Americans say it's not worth fighting [the Iraq War]." Vice-President Dick Cheney responded, "So?" President Bush in his speech marking the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, having talked with soldiers and their loved ones, explained. "And to a person, nearly, I have been told that whatever you do, Mr. President, complete this job. . . don't let politics, don't let the Gallup Poll cause you to make a decision that is not in the interest of our country and our military." Only ABC News and cowards don't understand.

Leonard Adame, arguably the world's worst teacher, drew comment in the newspaper from Mike Long, a former student. Mike reported that Adame, on the first day of class, pronounced, "I am tenured and there's nothing you can do about it."

The student then said, "We spent the folllowing weeks not learning anything of importance about English but about Adame's utter contempt and hatred for all things 'white'."

In my own criticism of Adame, I was unaware that his inappropriate politicizing of his classroom was racially motivated. Somehow, that makes it even worse.

EXTRA: The phone number to order the Shamwow is (800) 516-4408
In a new ad starring Will Ferrell, he says, "Bud Light; suck one."


At 6:48 AM, Blogger Law and Order Teacher said...

I took a class in college taught by an Iranian geography professor. It was one of those short term classes that meets for three hours a day three time a week. Everyday, this guy proceeded to rip into Bush and the U.S. Most of the students were young and were afraid to take him on. I, on the other hand, was older and wasn't going to sit quietly and listen to his unAmerican rants when I was supposed to be learning geography. I argued with him constantly and he hated me and I him. I got an A in the class and it totally pissed him off. It was fun!


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