Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The person who makes me the most angry is James Tedisco, New York State Assembly Republican minority leader, because he has called for the impeachment of New York Democratic Governor Eliot Spitzer. How can he pick on a man who is only being a typical Democrat? You know, adultery-schmultery, morality be damned -- like Bill Clinton. Spitzer also has a wife who stands by his immoral self. Of course, he's rich. How can Tedisco lower himself to the level of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, who are also enamored of impeachment?

Apparently, in the last few minutes, Spitzer became a better Democrat than the two named above, and resigned. Will his wife overlook his wealth and power (he'll be back after the voters forget), and dump his whoring persona, unlike Mrs. Bill Clinton?


At 7:58 PM, Blogger Law and Order Teacher said...

It is disgusting that these scumbags continually trot their wives out to stand next to them while they admit they are scumbags. After humiliating them they feel the need to use them as props for photo ops. These people have no shame. I would greatly admire the next one, and there will be more, if he went out by himself and apologized to his wife and family thereby showing he had a pair for the right reasons.


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