Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, February 22, 2008

Letter to the editor

All three letters to the editor (of the Chico Enterprise-Record) on 2/21 contained elements of untruth and fuzzy thinking. Please permit me to point them out.

Erin Spasbo bemoaned that her boyfriend was fined for breaking the law. He's one of those cyclists who wants to have all the privileges of drivers, but his girlfriend doesn't want him to be punished for flaunting traffic laws.

Fred Kelley confused "bad words" with bad people. "Illegal aliens," "welfare cheaters," and "terrorists" are undesirable persons, especially terrorists, which Kelley naively thinks are less dangerous than "our deficient health care system." What need will dead Americans have for doctors and hospitals?

And the king of those who have drunk the liberal Kool-Aid, Leonard Adame, rambled on negatively about people who are more significant and influential than himself. Then, he concluded with the completely unsubstantiated allegation that Yum Brands (Burger King) "has enslaved immigrant workers in Florida." Adame just loves that kind of inflammatory rhetoric, and he should pray that The (Burger) King doesn't sue him.

Parenthetically, if the immigrants to which he alludes are illegal, who cares if they are underpaid? If they are legal, they are free to find better jobs, and get off those "chain gangs" that Adame has never seen.


At 9:51 PM, Blogger H said...

I have missed your curmudgeonly blog. Do you ever write letter to the editor? I'll bet they'd get a reaction.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...

I guess you also missed the flak I got when I suggested that six letters supposedly written to the newspaper by fifth graders were actually written by their teacher(s). My attacks on Jorge Smirnoff and Leonard Adame are legendary in the Chico E-R. I also ruffled the feathers of the editor of the Sacramento Bee. I have too much time on my hands.


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