A genu-wine jerk
You might remember Jorge Smirnoff. In the newspaper and on TV, he's the person who blames everything bad on George W. Bush. If he wakes up with a bit of crustiness in his eye, it's Bush's fault. If it's raining outside, it's Bush's fault. If his ass itches, it's Bush's fault.
In his latest email to TV, he finally gave us some insight into his character. He described himself as an ex-Marine. There is no such thing as an ex-Marine. To be that, you would have to be dead or have been dishonorably discharged. The Corps insists -- once a Marine, always a Marine.
Because he's obviously corporally extant, I must suspect the alternative explanation. That might explain why, in that same email, he equated the President and Vice-President of the United States with Islamic terrorists. That was, as I responded, reprehensible.
Certainly, no President has been free of faults, but the Office of the President, the leader of the free world, must be given the same respect as the Office of the Papacy.
For instance, I wouldn't even spit on Bill Clinton today, but when he was the President, he represented the United States, and I gave the Office the respect it commands. That's why I am still ashamed that I once booed President Truman. Jorge Smirnoff has no shame, unless, possibly, his military record.
I didn't have Clinton Derangement Syndrome or anything like that, but I have to admit I never called him "President Clinton." My usual names for him included Slick Willy (of course), The Man from Hope he leaves soon, and my favorite: Clintigula.
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