Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Happy Groundhog Day

In case he reads this, I'd like to wish a happy birthday to the family groundhog, wherever he is. I would also like to ask him to allow my grandson and his daughter to communicate with me. I'd love to get an answer to my letter, and establish a dialogue.

I was just interrupted by a teacher at my door, asking me to vote yes on a bond issue to repair the schools. As you know, I have already voted, and yes, I supported the schools, However, first born pays the taxes around here, and she asks, "Why a bond issue on which we will be paying compound interest for 30 years, instead of a one-time, short- term tax increase?"

It's constitutional, no doubt. It's like the Electoral College, which has "always been so," so it never changes. Someday, politicians will stop bloviating about change, and actually do something. Hopefully, it will be for the better.


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