Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, January 18, 2008

The search goes on

It turns out that Leonard Adame, whose letter to the editor of the E-R on 1/17, is a "professor" at Butte College. This is the man who misinterpreted Wally Herger's words at his appearance at Orland High School, and erroneously accused him of propagandizing. Wally was invited there to explain his positions on the issues, and he did so.

Adame, as other inappropriate teachers do, misunderstands the difference between politicians and educators. He feels it is reasonable to make inflammatory statements such as, "The U.S. and its co-pilot God control the planet, no matter how many Muslim children must be slaughtered to guarantee supremacy," and to insult Wally Herger, our fine Representative in Congress, calling him "immoral," and "self-serving." He apparently feels it is appropriate to spout this kind of vitriol in his Butte College classrom. It isn't. Fortunately, a number of his students have observed and reported such reprehensible behavior to the Web site: Rate Your Professors.

Adame is just another educator who inappropriately inflicts his opinions about science, religion and politics upon his students, and now, he has repeated them for the readers of the E-R. He should apologize to us, Wally Herger, his students, the United States of America, and God.


At 8:34 PM, Blogger H said...

I've read that there have been huge debates in the US about "educators" wanting to teach Creationism as science. That freaks me out.
Why aren't you making your usual surly comments on OPE?

At 3:01 PM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...

Surly to bed; surly to rise. . . .


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