Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Monday, January 14, 2008

Preliminary choices

With the presidential primary approaching, today, I am considering John McCain, Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul, in that order. Ron Paul, you ask? This man is basically a Libertarian whose philosophy is appealing to me. The Libertarian Party cannot elect a president, so Paul is the only one who espouses limited government who might win. Unfortunately, he also expresses the childish cut-and-run approach to war, and I would have to hope either things in Iraq improve dramatically this year, or that he recognizes the folly of his surrender mentality. I'll keep my eye on him until the primary. Now would be the time for debates.

The only candidates I have eliminated are the Democrats, because. . . they're Democrats. Actually, I had been interested in Bill Richardson, but he recently withdrew. He said it was a financing issue, but, more likely, he was too honest for the Democrats. As for Republican John H. Cox, I could never vote for him, because I have no idea who he is, and was unaware he was on the ballot.


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