Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wearin' of the orange

I watched Michelle Obama intently when Mrs. Bill Clinton (the Great Pumpkin Pantsuit) spoke at the convention last night. Ma belle seemed very tense and uncomfortable. She almost glared at times, because, I suspect, she hates Mrs. C., and probably most other white people. After all, she sat in the pews with her husband at the church presided over by Rev. Wright for 20 years.

Parenthetically, Slick Willie was seen in the audience grinnin' and enjoying himself, shuckin' 'n jivin', even though his wife ignored mentioning his contribution to her success. Her only reference to him was as "President Clinton" and his administration of supposed prosperity.

Meanwhile, there have been no reports of violence in Denver, mostly due to the doubled police presence, armed to the teeth, looking like Baghdad. Gee, why would anyone protest against Democrats? Aren't they just a basketful of puppies?


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