Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Never again

To steal a phrase from an oblivious, accidental President, "Our long national nightmare is over." The misnamed talent show has ended. I was disappointed, because it seems the outcome was assured before the contest began. Whoever suggested it to the "chicken catcher," -- whether it was he himself, his entourage, or the producers of the show -- the "Boyle effect" carried him to inevitable victory. So, all that watching and voting was an exercise in futility. I should have followed my natural instinct to avoid reality. . . reality TV, that is.

Custodians around the world cringed, when, at the end of the glitzy finale, a veritable blizzard of white confetti descended on the stage, obscuring our view of all assembled. What an annoying cleanup job. And why white?

I am stll pondering what "talent" is. Is it something with which one is born, or does it emerge with use? Where do training and practice fit in? I remember that when I was told I had a nice voice (for my age), I immediately sought out a voice teacher. I suspect my "talent" was a result of work and experience.

EXTRA: It has been determined that 40% of Twitter is pointless babble.
(Don't you dare say what you're thinking.)


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