Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, May 14, 2010

The haps

VOTER ASSISTANCE: One candidate for Governor of California has successfully persuaded me not to vote for her by bombarding my mailbox with a 48-page slick propagandazine. Meg Whitman won't be buying my vote. Of course, the fact that one third of her platform involves screwing with education cements my decision to reject her. When was the last time she taught in the public schools?

INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM: The chancellor of the University of California, Davis has given $100,000 in "discretionary funds" to the Black Student Union. That seems to be the height of indiscretion, because students are students, and encouraging some of them to pursue an agenda contrary to that of others only promotes racism. Rodney King's question still rings clear -- "Can't we all just get along?" "The" Student Union unifies all the students.


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