While in college in the middle of the last century, I was privileged to enact a small role in the premiere production of the folk opera, "Michigan Dream" composed by Michigan State University music professor, H. Owen Reed. It rests somewhere in obscurity.
One night, after rehearsal, some cast members and I went to the woods and drank too much alcohol. One of those companions claimed to be a member of the Flying Wallendas. We got the munchies, and when we arrived at a late night diner, he walked its length on his hands. After the show, I never saw him again, so all I can affirm is that one feat. I wouldn't, or couldn't, have done it.
Any moment now, a member of the Wallendas named Nik is going to walk on a wire across the Grand Canyon. Why?
I only ask because I have spent a lifetime avoiding risking my life for cheap thrills.
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