From The Atlantic, May 2013
"Reader Responses
The Big Question
Q: What day most changed the course of history?
753 b.c.: Rome is founded
The birth of Jesus
May 29, 1453: The fall of Constantinople
March 15, 1493: Columbus returns to Spain from his first voyage to the Americas
Oct. 31, 1517: Martin Luther nails his Ninety-Five Theses to a church door.
Aug. 27, 1859: Drake's oil well is tapped. . .
Nov. 24, 1859: Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of the Species
Feb. 24, 1921: The birth of Abe Vigoda
Sept. 28, l928: Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
July 16, 1945: The first atomic bomb test. . .
Oct. 14, 1947: Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier
May 10, 1960: The FDA approves Enovid for use as a birth-control pill
Jan. 22, 1970: The first passsenger flight of the Boeing 747. . .
Nov. 7, 2000
Dec. 12, 2000: George W. Bush is elected president."
WAIT A MINUTE: Feb. 24, 1921?
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