Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, April 06, 2013

A fan. . . who is literate

In today's snail mail I received my first fan letter.  Carl H. Peterson of Paradise  (the nearby CA town, not the hoped-for eternal goal) said, in part, "I want to thank you for your E-R letter on Tuesday.  There was not a word of it with which I disagreed."  Notice his proper syntax.

The letter to which (there, I did it too) he refers appeared on March 24, was titled "No teacher is 'awful,'" and can be accessed at

I am most curious to know how he got my street (P.O. Box) address.  I do worry at times that some people who have allowed me to offend them  will track me down, and put me, in the manner one group might, to the curved sword. 

BY THE WAY:  Referencing the last sentence of my letter, I was gratified to see that in the season finale of "The New Normal," both gay men (and everybody else) were in the hospital room for the birth of their child by the surrogate.  Do you suppose that actually does happen in real life, and gays are just imagining that everybody wants to exclude them? 


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