Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Popemobile, here I come

Failing health has prompted Pope Benedict XVI, age 85, to abdicate.  Our respect and prayers go with him to his new life of solitary contemplation.  The last pope who left before death was Celestine V, after less than a full year in 1294.  Hopefully, the Church will promote one of the healthier youngsters (in his 60's) from the College of Cardinals.

In the early Church, political figures became popes, and often those who were the most "godly" had the largest armies.  If the Church should decide to depart from the more recent tradition, I make myself available.  Under the title of Celestine VI, a nice name which deserves to be resurrected, I would demonstrate my command of Latin and my respect for sin.  I love the incense, the public speaking, the Gregorian chant, and besides, the office is in the middle of sunny Italy.  Who could ask for more?  And then there's that trip to Brazil scheduled for July.  .  .  . 

The first thing I would do is disabuse the nuns of guilting pre-pubescent children of the involuntary mental process of having "impure thoughts."

DON'T FORGET:  The idiot messiah bloviates tonight.  Miss it if you can.

EXCERPT FROM ONE OF MY READER'S REACTIONS:  [He] is not a sexist or a racist.  .  .  [Farley's] whiny criticism makes HIM look empty-headed and meaningless."  --  Joseph Morreale


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