Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, January 04, 2013

Bits and pieces

A wag nailed the newest nickname for the horse-faced John Kerry when he offered, "Secretariat of State."  Will he laugh?  Neigh.

In a nearby city which is home to Rinky-Dink University, Paul Zingg (sounds like someone else's last name), the inept president, has expressed concern over student binge drinking which killed two of them in 2012.  That's another equine reference:  trying to close the barn door after the beast has fled.

In the same town, the city council has decided to make life more difficult for shoppers.  I am old enough to remember some of the first supermarkets which encouraged people to buy all their comestibles in one place, and furnished free paper bags in which to transport them.  By a vote of 5-2, the local college town has now proposed that shoppers purchase their own environmentally manipulated bags, even though one of the new, more reasonable electees observed, "Don't we have something better to do?"

On Wednesday, at the phlebotomist's, I discovered a rare liberal (for the north state) who, when I disparaged Obamacare, suggested we might not want to start that discussion.  An argument with her probably closed mind was thus averted.  I go to that lab monthly, and I predict before long, the devastation wrought by Obamacare will cause her to rethink how liberalism will be negatively impacting her job, and I will commiserate.

On my upcoming birthday (the number of which is represented by the atomic weight of gold), the film glorifying the disgraceful assassination of Osama bin Laden will open.  Insensitivity on parade in the world of the thug* community organizer.

Following the demise of her diesel, first born is still using my personal vehicle as a work truck.  As a rationalization, she keeps telling me that driving it more frequently than I did is "good for it."  Not being garaged since we came here is what's bad for it.

Finally, before that, we are having an expensive State Senate run-off election.  I have already mailed in my ballot, as if that mattered.  After all, Californians were snookered into raising their own taxes.  Do we really care how the legislature wastes the money?

* Descriptive word from David Mamet, prominent writer-director, and. apparent conservative


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