Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, January 12, 2013

An auric* day

*Gold:  A yellow, malleable, ductile metallic element."

Yesterday was the observance of my birthday.  I would say celebration, but for several years now, because it comes so close to Christmas, not much happens.  I read my horoscope by Bernice Bede Osol (sounds like), but have since lost it in the recycling.  It was nonsense anyway, because, of course, the horoscope is the most useless part of the newspaper.  Then, I wrote a sarcastic letter to the editor, because my readers are waiting for my next words of wisdom.  Not that idiot who called in, but first born's clients such as the former county district attorney and other various horse owners.  Then, I topped off the day with a delicious homemade chocolate cake.

OF COURSE:  About a week ago, first born lost her house keys out in the grass.  Today, she had new ones made.   You guessed it, within moments of returning home, the old ones appeared along the path she always takes, and where she had been looking.  Figures.  .  .  she predicted it.  Or does that happen to everyone?


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