Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


CAUTION: Some super-sensitive persons could find the following controversial.

The threat of death is a strong incentive, and actual death is an effective deterrent. However, even I (who has suggested that illegal immigrants, upon their second incursion into the U. S., be put against the wall and shot) think that execution might be a LITTLE harsh. It is fascinating, however, to contemplate how many deaths would be enough to stop illegal immigration.

Now, in my local newspaper, a war veteran has suggested placing land mines along the border. (Sounds like the name of an old John Wayne movie, "Land Mines Along the Border," made the same year as, "Bear Traps in the Valley," and "Pit Bulls of the Purple Sage.") Just as with the firing squad option, we would prominently display signs, circulate pamphlets, and advertise in the media on both sides of the border. The message would be: "Please stay home; you could die."
When some do die, how many more will be willing to try?


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