Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Monday, May 29, 2006

An Answer and Some Questions

Today, in that paper I read, Mr. Jerry Vorpahl has written a letter to the editor which says it all about education: "In. . .Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark. . .Iceland. . .Portugal, Holland , Belgium and parts of Germany, English is required beginning in the second or third grade, with fluency expected before graduation. Interestingly, we have no such requirement in this country."

In the same issue, Mr. Allen Jamieson asks the following provocative immigration questions:

"How many illegals has [Mexican President Vicente] Fox encouraged to cross the border in the last year?

How many illegals has Fox prevented from crossing the border in the last year?

How many pamphlets has the Mexican government distributed about how to avoid border-crossing problems?

How many tons of drugs have been smuggled across the border in the last year?

What has Fox ever done to encoursge his citizens to stay home and work in Mexico - or hasn't he done anything to provide jobs for them?

How much does Fox enjoy Mexico's second-largest source of foreign exchange - money sent home from the U.S.?"


At 1:53 PM, Blogger nope said...

There is hope, though, if Fox opens the Mexican oil-fields to foreign investment, it's crazy NOT to. I mean, oil companies are foaming at the mouth at the chance to invest there- cheap labor too!


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