Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Scientific AlGorithm

I was sitting here pondering why I have increasingly lost confidence in science. Conflicting reports, specious evidence, lack of evidence, lies, obfuscations -- there is nothing some "scientists" won't engage in to prove their point. Then, of a sudden, I remembered what I had been taught about the "scientific method." Now I realize why I have always been skeptical, and after years of machinations, I have almost reached the point where I tend to reject most of what "scientists" say.

The "scientific method," my teachers said, was to think up an hypothesis and seek evidence to support it. Because I wasn't a scientist, it was not a force in my life until today, when it struck me that what is implied here is that the scientist is to reject all evidence that doesn't support his theory. That's why the prevailing "knowledge" changes so often and, as a result, I find it hard to believe any of it.

Then there's AlGore. Remember him? He lost a Presidential election and moped, blimped up, grew a beard, and disappeared into academia. Well, he's back. He has made a film about how global warming will kill us all. This is the same global warming that, as Vice President, he as unable or unwilling to do anything about. It doesn't occur to him that it might not be possible for him or anyone else to do anything about it. Remember, it's some of those "scientists" who have said that warming and cooling have been occurring for millions of years, most of the time without human intervention.


At 5:07 PM, Blogger Kurt said...

But when you have pneumonia, those antibiotics that the scientists discovered with their faulty methodology sure come in handy!

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...

And then there's Vioxx.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Kurt said...

That scientists have made many mistakes does not detract from their successes.

At 8:41 AM, Blogger nope said...

al' Gore, as I like to refer to him, has taken it upon himself to crusade to the world one side of the increasingly "scientifically proven" man-caused global-warming theory. It amazes me that people who really don't know anything about climatology are so apt to accept al' Gore's Global Whining as the gospel.

After taking a few classes, which by no means makes me qualified to give a comprehensive and sound opinion on the matter, I would say that global warming and the "science" surrounding it is far too inconclusive and dubious, not to mention POLITICIZED, to be taken as fact. That being said, we should still have a responsible environmental approach, but al' Gore's off the deep end for sure. He knows where he can shove his hypothesis.


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