My neighbor has a lawn fetish. I believe that grass could be restricted to sporting fields and public parks and only because it could be a safety consideration. My neighbor and others have become slaves to the green stuff.
Grass is just something that has to be mowed, and mowed again. There are numerous substitutes that can be used, organic ground covers such as ice plant that require little or no maintenance. Do we really have to engage in time-consuming repetitive behavior?
If you live on the beach, you know that even sand is acceptable. Then there are decorative stones or rocks, and one could put in a tennis court of a lovely green color. And when there is talk of drought, think of the water we'll save.
I live here in Utah, which is technically a desert. Every year complaints arise that there isn't enough water in Utah.
Yet virtually every Utahn household spends gallons upon gallons of water on their perfectly green lawns.
I'm mostly just bitter cause I have to mow the stuff.
Hey, I enjoy the blog. Keep it up.
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