Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, November 10, 2006

Of Mice and Men

Cindy Sheehan, the mousey suburban housewife, whose son gave his life for his country, is still being exploited by hippie peaceniks. Wednesday, she went to jail for those people, who coerced her into blocking the gate outside the White House. They had already convinced her to move to the People's Republic of Berkeley, and on Wednesday they sacrificed her to the cause again. She is a pathetic figure, who is becoming a caricature, and the poster girl for futility. Let her go home to mourn, Peace Nazis.

Please take note that, although some lost in close elections, NO Republican has pig-squealed like Al Gore, John Kerry and the Democrats did in 2000 and 2004. No hanging chads, no voting machine tampering, no confusing ballots, no voter intimidation, no racial discrimination, and no unfairness claimed by Republicans. Now, that's class.


At 8:55 PM, Blogger Flawed And Disorderly said...

Just came over to say I laughed out loud at what you said on OPE's blog. But now your blog has brought me back to reality and I'm depressed. I'm gonna go find a bed.


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