Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Who's Got the Rolling Papers?

Surprise! Who would have imagined that if the state banned tobacco in prison, someone would smuggle some in? Criminals engaged in a black market where a pack can fetch up to $125 -- unbelievable! "I've never seen anything like it, babbled Lt. Kenny Foonman of the Big Jail Center. Apparently, Kenny's led a sheltered life.

At another big jail, cigarettes triggered a brawl between 30 Latino and white inmates over control of tobacco sales. Not racism, but free enterprise. "It's almost becoming a better market than drugs," says an anti-gang officer at Pelican Bay, the biggest, baddest jail of all.

Unlike illegal drugs, which bring harsh penalties, punishment for inmates caught with tobacco range from just a written warning (in their "permanent record") to extra work duties.

That'll stop 'em.


At 2:59 PM, Blogger Kurt said...

Hey, just because I murdered all those people doesn't mean I'm not entitled to a smoke-free environment.


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