Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, August 10, 2007

Sex, again

Jorge Smirnoff is back with one of his most outrageous ideas yet. He contends that it has been sexually repressed leaders who have fomented all the evils in the world, including "child abuse by clergy, enslavement, torture, wars and so forth." I don't know what "so forth" includes, but apparently Jorge dwells on it, and it's eating at him.

Even sillier are the thoughts of "won't-be-president" Mike Gravell, who believes that the ancient Spartans trained their armies to be homosexual, because then they would fight more fiercely for that man they loved standing next to them. Does he also believe that a person can be trained not to be homosexual? That's not PC.

As seen on TV

[Whenever I hear the suggestion that we should ask the government to intrude into another facet of our lives, I shudder.] Good grief, when are we going to take responsibility for our own families? If you don't want the kids playing violent [and/or sexual] video games, do something about it yourself.


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