Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, July 27, 2007


As seen in the daily pamphlet:

David Kensinger, a Clinton apologist, in his letter to the editor on 7/26, suggested that if we aren't specific about Clinton crimes, we should "keep it zipped." How ironic! If Bill had kept his fly zipped, he wouldn't have had to lie to the grand jury and the American people, and be impeached. Is that specific enough for you, Mr. Kensinger?

Hillary is still married to the multiple adulterer, when any moral woman would have long since kicked him to the curb. Instead, in her zeal to be president, she parades his disgraced presence around with her on the stump.

Earlier in his letter, Kensinger, like other unreasoning liberals, called the President of the United States a maniac. President Bush is a steadfastly moral person, and that challenges the amorality that pervades the liberal ethos. Kensinger should stop spouting the party line, and start thinking for himself.

SUTURE STOOPED QUIZ-CHIN: Q: I recently purchased. . . a townhouse condominium. . . One of my neighbors, who rents her townhouse condo, says she has a renter's insurance policy. . . Do I also need a renter's insurance policy?

A: No. As a condominium owner, you need a condominium owner's insurance policy.

Duh. (By the way, "condominium" is a bitch to type.)


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