Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, July 22, 2007

TV Submissions

1. How do you want the Harry Potter series to end? Quickly.

2. Don't you think that some day, sick children, when they recover, will regret that the holier-than-thou put the funding of their treatment exclusively on the backs of smokers? I hope that future healthy children will appreciate the hypocrisy, and not persecute the pariahs of their generation.

3. Barry Bonds still has a chance to show some class. He can retire right after his 754th home run, and leave the record to someone whose name has never been associated with scandal.

4. A frugal city would send some regular workers over to DeGarmo Park with some surplus fencing and, voila, a dog park. The city that has a $56M deficit would hire an expert to confirm that a dog park is a good idea ($20,000), engage an architect ($20,000), buy $10,000 worth of the finest fencing available, and put the labor out to bid for another $20,000. I recommend the first option; the dogs won't care.


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