Nobody embarrassed him/herself on this week's "The Last Comic Standing." Billed as a semifinal, it was, at best, a quarterfinal. The group was winnowed down from 12 to five, but the same thing will happen again next week with another dozen. Then, as I remember, the surviving ten will be reduced a few at a time to fill the summer.
The highlight for me was the faux Christian singing duo named God's Pottery. It's a sacrilegious parody by two young men with slicked-down hair and perpetuallly goofy smiles. Their voices are karaoke quality, and last night's song was "The Pants Don't Come Down Until the Ring Goes On." It's my kind of humor.
I see where New York CIty has several "waterfalls" up and running for the summer tourist season. Where are the complaints from the environmentalists, or does the water walk to the top of those towers they have erected? What a politically incorrect use of energy. Besides, we can't have pleasure in this country; we must suffer and kvetch, so the Democrats can promise us miraculous changes. Don't hold your breath.
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