Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

After Labor Day

Just to prove that there are others who agree with me about public baby nursing, I present the following letter to "Ask Amy," an advice column in the pamphlet:

"DEAR AMY: This is one more honest guy view of breast-feeding that I haven't seen mentioned. It's just plain sexually arousing to some of us. This can make us extremely uncomfortable.

"My wife and I made a few concessions that kept our children happily nursed, and others comfortable. She nursed before or after we ate out in public; or she took expressed milk in a bottle; and we chose to dine out where there was access to some private space -- or simply went to our car. -- Honest Dad"

(No labor was expended in creating this post. I never work on Labor Day.)


At 4:43 AM, Blogger Donalbain said...

Oh. So because there are a few perverts out there who get erections when babies are fed, it is a bad thing. Of courset here are also perverts who are aroused by the sight of a well turned ankle and so women should not wear anything but burkhas!

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...

Dear minor Shakespearean character: When you become a father (heaven forbid), let me know how you feel. Or better yet, don't.

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Law and Order Teacher said...

"Dear minor Shakespearean character." Well done and very smart for a conservative dolt, eh? Well done, brother.

At 4:39 AM, Blogger Donalbain said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 4:54 AM, Blogger Donalbain said...

Why is it that you always refer to me as "Minor Shakespearean character"? Why not just "Donalbain"? Are you trying to impress people that you know where the name comes from? If so, it is not the most impressive piece of knowledge in a world powered by Google! Is it an attempt to suggest that somehow my opinions are "minor"? If so, that is just a silly little ad hominem fallacy. If there is another reason, I would be intruiged to know what it is..

As a piece of added information for you, the reason I chose this nick is pretty simple. When I first had to pick an internet nickname (I think it was for IRC), I was in rehearsals for my university's performance of MacBeth, playing the role of Donalbain. While it is not the greatest part, I liked the name and typed it into the box. Hence, I have been Donalbain on the internet ever since.

At 2:17 PM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...

Dear Donalbain: I began thinking that that might actually be your name. There are a lot of unusual names going around today, and I like it more than Donald, my name. I've done a bit of theatre, but Shakespeare has always confounded me. In college, I directed Cleopatra's death scene and people laughed. Never again.
I'm right; you're right; you're an actor; no hard feelings.


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