Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tit for tat (Fairness IV)

As a result of the recent election, I now live in a state where organized groups of gays and lesbians are encouraging boycotts of businesses who employ anyone who supported Proposition 8, which established that marriage is between a man and a woman. This is, of course, a massive
display of intolerance.

In retaliation, and in emulation of this example, I suggest that those majority voters who are now potential victims could, upon entering each retail establishment which purveys goods and services they need, loudly ask, "Are there any gays or lesbians working here?" If the answer is "No," they could elect to patronize. If the answer is "Yes," they should loudly ask to speak to the manager. When he/she appears, in a polite voice, the former customers should say, "I don't support establishments which hire persons who exhibit discrimination against others who are only exercising their constitutional rights." Then walk out.

You say, the gays and lesbians at some businesses are not involved in the boycott? Well, millions of voters who voted "Yes" (or not at all), are being painted with the same broad brush by unthinking activists. Retaliation is an equal opportunity torment. Could this be another legacy of Obamination?


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