Unfair (as published in the E-R 5/3)
Why is it that some people who have been discriminated against or perceived they have, when they protest, are themselves unfairly discriminatory? The latest such group is the burgeoning gay and lesbian coalition. Several months ago, in Sacramento, they coerced the resignation from the California Musical Theatre of a person who had only exercised his constitutional right to contribute financially to an election issue which supported marriage as being between a man and a woman.
Now, the gay and lesbian agenda may have altered the outcome of the Miss USA contest. At the least, an activist interjected the inappropriate question of gay marriage into a beauty contest, and based on the contestant's response, invoked negativity toward the young lady.
Miss California USA, Carrie Prejean, who finished first runner-up, is a student at San Diego Christian College, and her opposition to gay marriage is predictable, but the Constitution insures that her considered response to the question was justified, and not subject to censure. This is the lesson the gays and lesbians have yet to learn.
The constitution is SILENT on who can win beauty contests. She was not punished by the law for her comments, and she lost no rights in doing so.
No, her civil rights were trampled. You know, freedom of speech, and religion and all that stuff. I believe there was booing. How un-American is that?
Really? How so? Was she put in jail? Was she even arrested?
Or did other people just disagree with her?
There is no civil right not to be booed!
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