Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Gee, I didn't know that

In February, I learned that I had been disenrolled from my Blue Cross Part D drug/ Medicare supplement plan. In a phone call, I was told that they had written me about the impending change in October, but I don't believe they did. I could have gone without Part D coverage, if my benevolent government hadn't found out and enrolled me in RX America. What would I do without my government?

Recently, I received a wonderful letter from my government-sponsored drug facilitator, telling me how to live my life. Listen to the startling facts my nanny government wants me to know.

1. Health problems may be caused by poor diet and obesity. Who knew?

2. People who stay active are healthier. Ya, ya, I know.

3. Excessive drinking of alcohol can cause irreversible damage. Really?

4. Smoking is bad for you. As if I can't read the packages.

5. Sleep deprivation can be dangerous. Ya, just ask the terrorists at Guantanamo.

6. Take medicine prescribed by your doctor, (or some guy you run into on the street?)

7. Happy people live longer. Unless your happiness comes out of a bottle.

Uncle Sam also had some green suggestions which I had never heard before,
in my home under a rock.

1. Use those light bulbs that are a real hassle to dispose of.

2. Take shorter showers and turn off the water when you brush your teeth. After all, there's no mention of personal hygiene in the seven earlier admonitions.

3. Water bottles take a long time to biodegrade, but recycle them anyway.

4. Inconvenience yourself by turning off appliances when not in use, because a little LED light or quartz clock, although they won't kill the battery in your car, will suck enough power to destroy the universe.

All that wisdom, and some easy puzzles and quotes, like, "Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance." -- Anon

FYI: The Bee did not arrive on Friday, but was included with Saturday's issue. Today's paper came with no news section.


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