Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, October 09, 2009


While I'm pondering more Obama/Nazi comparisons, let me give you three for TV on the subjects of bombing the moon, crosses on public land, and religious speech against homosexuality.

1. Hey, NASA, it's a rock, you idiots. You had just better hope it doesn't shatter into a million pieces, or we could be sweeping up for centuries.

2. What is it about a cross that engenders so much fear and hatred, when all it represents is one man's sacrifice for all mankind? Shouldn't we reserve our fear for the terrorists, and our hatred for sin?

3. What is really hate speech is talking about prohibiting the "free exercise of religion." As you can see from the wording, it's also unconstitutional. (AS SEEN)

BREAKING NEWS: President Obama has just been awarded the Nobel Piss Prize. He is now finally old enough to go wee wee (one of his cute expressions) in the potty.


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