Pauper's perp walk
Please explain to me how fines and imprisonment will improve my life. It has now been verified that, under the House assault on freedom, you can be fined for not buying health insurance, and imprisoned if you don't pay. This is only one provision in 2,000 pages of God knows what. Do you want your health care to be between you and your doctor or between you and some politicians?
A possible portion of that travesty of rules and regulations I might support is one which encourages the proliferation of insurance companies, even across state lines, to create the competition which will bring down rates. Lower premiums will allow more Americans to afford insurance, and the companies with the most generous policy on existing conditions will survive. This should reduce the gap betwen those who are insured and the small percentage who aren't.
I have written to my Senators, but I am registered with the wrong party, and my opinion means nothing to them. Maybe you will have better luck. Don't let them oppress us with rules, regulations, commissions, boards, committees and higher taxes, in addition to the aforementioned fines and imprisonment. Do it for the generations to come.
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