Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, February 07, 2010


In my never-ending search for sources of amusement, I came across two brief lines in two pieces on the same page of the local newspaper which gave me a chuckle.

1. In an article about the closing of nearly 100 post offices as a part of that Obama change, and in response to citizen complaints thereof, Norm Scherstrom, a Postal Regulatory Commission spokesman said that the closures were technically suspensions and "THE OFFICE IS NOT CLOSED, BUT AS FAR AS CUSTOMERS ARE CONCERNED IT'S NOT OPEN." Huh?

2. An advertisement for a local Christian school had the headline, "PARTNERING WITH PARENTS IN DEVELOPING CHILDREN OF CHRISTLIKE CHARACTER." It's a K-8 institution, and they'll be lucky to stop them from eating paste and picking their noses. I doubt there will be any loaves and fishes or walking on water, but the teachers may get the urge to crucify one of them from time to time.


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