Limbaugh married?
Rush Limbaugh, popular talk-show host and multimillionaire, has married again. Unless he has discovered the most unusual woman in the world, that union seems doomed to failure. How many weeks/months of joy do you predict?
About 40 years ago, my cousin was a Catholic priest and an Air Force Chaplain. He was posted somewhere in Asia, and met a woman. To the disappointment of my aunt and uncle, he left the priesthood, married her, and settled on a farm in Missouri. Since then, I have lost track of them, but I do remember the one time I met her. She was completely obedient and submissive. She walked a respectful three paces behind him, and was only heard to speak when spoken to.
Do you suppose Rush has married such a woman? If he hasn't, it's unlikely the mouth-that-roars could settle down with a stronger feminine personality. Perhaps I believe that because I doubt I could, being as opinionated and chary of my liberty as he.
L.A. Times readers have decided that Elton John performing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding reception was "cool," as opposed to "not cool."
Curious where you got that information. The state-run media, at least the ones I allow myself to be subjected to, haven't mentioned a word of the nuptials or their aftermath. Orders of the President, no doubt.
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