Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, December 03, 2011

. . . with tongue firmly in cheek

The destruction of the presidential candidacy of Herman Cain by the Democrats and their accomplices in the mainstream media can be attributed directly to sexism and racism.

Sexism. . . because "everyone knows" that when a woman offers, no man can refuse, and a black man is particularly susceptible because of. . .

Racism. Remember. . . it was the black "culture" that invented the concept of "babydaddy," the tradition of men impregnating and then abandoning women to society to raise the child.

Under that double whammy, what chance did Herman Cain have to compete with the likes of Bill Clinton, often called the first black president, whose Democrat Party membership protects his piccadillos from criticism?

I could be more upset if I hadn't observed that Cain had adopted the Obama template -- promises of bullshit. Where have all the statesmen gone?

Although the name "Herman" isn't very presidential, it was better than Mitt and Newt. And you thought we had hit rock bottom with "Jimmy" (Carter). (I kinda like "Millard," and two "Franklins" make it acceptable. Same for "Grover," because he served twice non-consecutively.)


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