Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Two (count 'em) Obamanations

1.  Fluffy, are you still alive?  Come back; we can be remarried.  It's legal in California again.  Don't be sheepish.

2.  The USDA in Sacramento has called our answer machine six times.  At least that's who the ladies say they are.  They are doing a "citrus survey."  They leave no number; they just keep calling back.

I suppose they think we have an orange grove.  What we do have are several trees, the harvest of which we juice, eat, and give to friends and family.  No money is being made or lost.  We've been here for 10 years, so this thing seems to be new. 

To me it looks like someone got a grant and is being paid piece-work to report each person who enjoys orange juice for breakfast.  Why don't they just "make it up" like so many other government employees do?


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