Two Things I Wish I'd Said
As difficult as it may be to believe, frequently, Letters to the Editor say things better than I do. Here are two examples from today's paper.
On January 1, the price of school lunches will be increased to $3.00, but the majority of the young diners will pay nothing. About this, Don Connella of Paradise says, ". . . Now if the socialists got their act together and realized that some of the students that are paying only $3 come from families that could pay much more, you could charge based on their family's income. You might get some to pay as much as $20, that way you would have funds to make the free lunches better. You could serve steak to the free-lunch students and maybe have enough left over to give free lunches to the 'poor teachers'. . . ."
Don goes on to suggest that students could do some chores around the school to earn their free lunches thus learning to provide for themselves instead of being on the dole. What a concept. . . .
And Neil Scott of Willows writes, "A couple of months ago we read where the average temperature had finally increased back to the 1938 level. Then recently we read that the heat wave did not break the early '30s record. Global warming? Maybe the problem is that Al Gore is still using the instruments he used to take his measurements 750 million years ago, or however long ago it was. Or, maybe he created global warming just like he created the Internet."
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