The Buck Stops Here
I am finally angry with President Bush. Why is he letting Alberto Gonzales twist in the wind, and be subjected to a vindictive Democrat Congress, when all he has to do is take full responsibility for the decision he made? U.S. Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President. Eight of them did not please the President. Under the Constitution, he has the authority to fire them. Following the chain of command, he ordered Attorney General Gonzales to inform them. When a question arose, the President should have emulated Harry S Truman, the author of the title of this post, and told Congress to go to hell.
Extra: PBS has cancelled Eye on Washington. Apparently, the news talk show wasn't liberal enough. McGinty and the panel frequently presented both sides of the issue. PBS couldn't have that.
It's more likely they needed the air time for more John Tesh and Eagles reunion concerts.
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