Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wind, draft, smoke and silence

In reference to the belly gouge, Endeavour's commander, Scott Kelly, asked Mission Control which way the managers were leaning. The reply: "Unfortunately, we have no idea which way the wind is blowing at the moment." Hasn't science taught us there's no wind in space? By the way, why the extra UK-like "u?"

As [edited] by TV

[The last war we won, World War II, we did so with a large number of draftees.] Today it will primarily be the people who want to lose the present war who will oppose the draft. It's a new political climate where the lies from cowards are trying to thwart our efforts to fight this new threat to our way of life.

[Everyone doing the same job should be paid exactly the same. Just ask any woman.] Employers have two ways to deal with workers who lead "unhealthy lifestyles." Don't hire them to begin with, or if you do, have them sign well-defined contracts, and fire those who violate them. (The question posed involved docking their pay, mostly to defray health insurance costs.)

Not yet.

There are shock jocks, talk radio hosts, and comedians who insult people. Some are clever and some are mean, but only politicians and Don Imus lie. We need less of both.

O.J. had time to write a book? I thought he was busy searching golf courses around the world for the real killer.


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