Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Politics suck(s)

As if there were any doubt, the newspaper article, "Mukasey is confirmed as AG," further proves the bias with which the Associated Press does reportage. Laurie Kellman and her editor peppered her "news" item with the lies that, "ten months of scandal. . . forced [former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales] from office. . . ", and that the removal of the nine federal prosecutors was a "purge."

This characterization of the events is untrue and reprehensible. There was no purge. The fired prosecutors had been appointed by and served at the pleasure of the President, and like any employer, he had the right to fire them for poor performance. None of them challenged their dismissals, because they understood that.

The President's political rivals fabricated the only scandal involved by hounding Attorney General Gonzales until he resigned. Their goal is now clear. They knew there was no crime; that's why they haven't followed up. They just wanted to embarrass the administration with trumped up charges.

The new A. G. is now in place, and it's a dead issue, except that a fine man was kicked to the curb. We are lucky to get anyone to take the the position, especially since Teddy Kennedy said, "Being better than Gonzales is not enough qualification for the job." Watch out, Mukasey, a man who gives fat drunks a bad name doesn't like you.

I know I have said this all before, but if the lies of the "new jouirnalism" go unchallenged, they will become the truth, just as Joseph Goebbels observed. My brief career as a journalist forces me to defend the way it should be. As Jack Webb always said, "Just the facts, ma'am."


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Peter Porcupine said...

Well, now that Newsweek has hired Kos as a commentator, and has hired Ana Marie Cox of Wonkette as EDITOR - I foresee a nice, busy time for you repeated inconvenient facts to counter their received truths!


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