Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Conspiracy theory?

For centuries, the population of the world was regulated by war, famine and pestilence. Since World War II, especially, these forces have been rapidly decreasing in size and efficacy. The discovery of nuclear power has made all-out war unlikely, improved food production has mitigated starvation, and medical science has greatly extended life expectancy. Therefore, there are more people extant than the planet can support.

The creative entity and its alter-ego, Mother Nature, have now instituted an alternative method of population control. Two recent disasters -- the cyclone in Myanmar, and a gigantic earthquake in China -- have been the latest census adjustments. Earlier hurricanes in the Caribbean were a warning that the world did not heed, so the creative entity has taken stronger steps to help us preserve the quality of life for those of us who remain. Until we learn to control the weather, this will continue to be the primary means of adjustment. Even if we find a way to divert the wind, water is almost impossible to contain, and the creative entity might be obliged to order someone to build another ark. How many cubits was that, again?


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