A letter to the editor on Tuesday ended with the words, "We are warmongers. I know, I'm in deep trouble." My encouraging response follows:
It has taken me a few days to think of how to respond to Tom Mulleague's sad letter. The news from his doctor was unfortunate, but being well along in years myself, I believe I might welcome the comfort of knowing how much time I have left.
The truly depressing part of Mulleague's letter, however, is the undeserved guilt he is suffering. First, he should remember his faith in God, and stop thinking He will be disappointed. He sent His son to die on the cross for our sins, and He has long since forgiven us.
What disturbs me the most is that Mulleague has been made to feel guilty by some of his fellow Americans, most of them politicians and their liberal media accomplices, who wish to absolve their own imagined culpability by trying to make us share it. Neither you, nor I, nor Mulleague have burned any villages, raped or killed anyone, or destroyed the environment, and if someone somewhere in the world is complicit by action or inaction, let's put the blame there, where it belongs, and lift it off the shoulders of the innocent. Mulleague must not go to his rest in fear of retribution, nor live the rest of his life in guilt.
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