Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Ruben promises more demonstrations

Enough with the compassion. Stinko de Mayo ("Cinco" in Mexico) came and went, and my local media didn't report any riots and/or violence. I doubt it didn't happen somewhere, and I hope that it wasn't reported only because it was an embarrassing incident.

It is, after all, a Mexican holiday, to be celebrated in Mexico, just like Guy Fawkes Day in England, Bastille Day in France, and the Running of the Bulls in Spain. We are a non-violent culture, and would prefer not being subjected to bottle and rock throwers. We help nations around the world with billions of dollars and copious technical assistance, so that their citizens will have a better standard of living. Now, if the government of Mexico would only help, their people could stay home with their families until they can migrate legally, and then come here only to enrich our American culture.


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