Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

As published. . .

The only depressing thing about living in America is knowing that people like Elizabeth Morse are among us. [Letter to the Editor, 7/21] I don't believe I've ever seen so much hatred and class envy packed into one letter before. I can't decide whether to be angry, or just extremely sad. Because, as an American, she is free to say any miserable thing she wants, I can only suggest she go somewhere where I don't have to read or hear it. Apparently, any other country in the world would make her happier.

Therefore, I authorize you to give her my email address, and upon her request, and with the promise never to return, I will be pleased to buy her a one-way ticket to any foreign location that will mollify her. Perhaps she might enjoy Sudan, Zimbabwe or The Maldives (about as far away as you can get).


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