Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, October 03, 2008


Proposition 8 on the California ballot says, "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." If passed, that simple sentence would be added to the California Constitution. My letter to the editor follows:

When my wife and I were married in September, 19__, we didn't give a moment's thought to what tax consequences that might bring. In fact, in March of the following year, I was surprised to see how the act of filing my taxes had changed. We had been married by an Army chaplain, who only spoke of God's blessing, and that seemed to be reward enough. After all, marriage is a religious concept.

When we conceived and delivered our children, we never gave another thought to any financial advantage that they might afford us. Again, I dutifully followed the 1040 instructions without giving much thought to how the government had insinuated itself into my life.

With the advent of gay marriage in California, I find myself trying to remember when and why the government got involved in the religious institution of marriage. Obviously, it's all about power and money, and it apparently occurred at a time, much like today, when we began to lose some of our freedom.

We have to start with the upcoming proposed constitutional amendment, to tell the government how we feel. Please join me in leaving the Proposition 8 section on the ballot blank, because who marries whom is none of my business, your business, and definitely shouldn't be the business of government.


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